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The Hazelburn new make spirit is produced in Campbeltown at Springbank so for a more in-depth outline of this iconic distillery please refer to its own

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The Hazelburn new make spirit is produced in Campbeltown at Springbank so for a more in-depth outline of this iconic distillery please refer to its own dedicated page.

However we will briefly here touch upon Hazelburn, which is a specific style of new make that is produced at the Springbank stills. It therefore follows all the traditional practices this distillery prides itself upon with the slight difference materialising when we reach the stills themselves. To maintain its distinctive character, Springbank is distilled 2.5 times however for Hazelburn the triple distillation approach is adopted.

The reason for this dates back to the lost distillery of Hazelburn that was founded in Campbeltown in 1825 and was in existence for the best part of a century. Sadly as the decline in demand for whisky spread across this region, Hazelburn was closed for good in 1926. The owners towards the end of its lifespan were Mitchell & Co, whom remain owners of Springbank to this day. By all accounts Hazelburn only practiced the traditional Irish method of triple distillation and was an excellent producer of whisky. To commemorate its existence and keep the practice of triple distillation alive in this region, Springbank annually since 1997, produces 10% of its output in the Hazelburn style.

Hazelburn is traditionally available as a 10 and 12-year-old expression and always unpeated. The debut release was an 8-year-old and since then there have been a scattering of limited expressions including a sauternes finish and in 2016, a Barolo cask finish. Very few distilleries in Scotland now practice the preferred Irish method of a triple distilled spirit with only Auchentoshan exclusively producing it all year round.

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